Overview of bookable tables and individual seats at tables

A table can be bookable by table (where the ticket buyer can select the entire table, but not individual seats) or bookable by seat (where the ticket buyer can choose individual seats).

There are two ways to define the "bookability" setting of a table: on the chart-level, and/or on the seating chart event-level.

  • On the chart-level: if you make a table bookable on the seating chart, it will be bookable for all events that are assigned to the seating chart (unless overridden, see more below).
  • On the event-level: the table is only bookable for a specific event, not for other events that belong to the same seating chart.

It is important to note that you can combine both methods: the event-level settings take precedence over the chart settings.

Even if you mark a table as bookable as a whole on the chart (via the seating chart designer), it is still possible to override that setting by marking the table as book by seat on the event via the manage table bookings link which can be accessed from the Manage Seating Charts page, the Manage Events page and the Event Dashboard.

Table bookability at the chart-level

To make a table bookable as a whole for all events linked to the seating chart, select the table and check the Bookable as a whole checkbox from the seating chart designer.

Table bookability at the event-level

Making a table bookable as a whole for an event can be done from the manage table bookings link (which can be accessed from the Manage Seating Charts page, the Manage Events page and the Event Dashboard). From here, select the table and click apply changes. This will make the table bookable for the current event only.

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